Saturday, July 21, 2007

Great Blogspectations

Well, my search for a productive routine has come to... something. It's not routine in the strictest sense, but a pattern can be defined if one's not too picky. And I am making good progress on the project, so I'm gonna take it.

Next week I start pestering Heather and Lay with both barrels (student & foreigner) for them to give my security deposit back. With it I can eat out on occasion and maybe a club every now and then. Without it I pray that August is dry and that the sea gulls yield edible meat.

Tonight I'm going to be doing something potentially traumatic. Some people may remember that I was in Someone for Everyone, an independent film of some length. It was a fun thing to make, but it's pretty clear we weren't taking it seriously. Fewer people may remember that this movie has a lot of emotional baggage surrounding it. Between those two factors, it should come as no surprise that I will be administering copious amount of social lubricant to myself throughout the movie.

That is to say, I'll be drinking myself into some degree of stupor. Lord help me.


At 6:23 PM, Blogger Willow Pest said...

Ugh, so why were watching Someone for Everyone?

How did it go?

At 6:44 PM, Blogger Ryan Walsh said...

I needed to watch it. Not for cinematic quality, I needed closure. And you know, it wasn't traumatic. It went about as well as I could hope.

Course, I had about ten beers in me by the end of the night, so my recollection may lack some points of accuracy.


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