Blogwork Orange
A strange title for a strange event: I'm updating this thing twice in a week. Watch for flying pigs.
Good day so far, and since it's not quite five in the afternoon here yet I'm probably jinxing myself into an evening of bad luck. But you know, I think I'll risk it.
I met with Christina and Helen today (course instructors) to talk about my MA. I've got loads to do between now and hand-in, but we're both confident I can do the work, which should mean the actual doing it should be a slice of cake!
KIDDING! It'll be monstrous work, but it'll be monstrous work with a high chance of passing and maybe distinction, so it'll be worth it. And if I can seek publication afterwards, hey, that's icing on said cake.
I officially passed all my modules from last term, so that's happy. I didn't think I wouldn't pass, mind you, but it's validation just to hear it, you know? My presentation passed with distinction, so I'm in quality shape going into my MA project. Every little bit helps, right?
Progress is continuing on the moving process. It's a hassle moving at all, either across the globe or just down the road, but most of the ambiguities are out of the way and now it's just actually going through with it all. A couple of breaks came through on the transition phase, and without saying to much I'm very grateful for them.
One of the things they tell us wannabe professional writers to do is build a routine. We should set our days so that we work for a few hours a day, correspond and do research a few hours a day, basically get us into a habit of acting like professional writers. All well and good except I haven't had a routine day since I've been back. It's all either working to move, working to sell things, working on screwing Delta out of miles, and other random crap. About all I can say that I've done toward acting like a professional writer is I'm not playing computer games or watching videos most of the time. I schedule it. If you schedule it, it's not goofing off.
Nothing else at the moment. I could add a thing or two, but it'd be speculation at this point.
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