A Blog too Far
It's been a pretty crazy week. Nothing major, just a lot of running around doing little things. I checked out a place that I might live in over the summer - not bad but I need some answers from the landlady who's being uncommunicative. I'm still hoping one person sends me a version of a profile before a site goes up (long story that I just don't care enough about to rehash). Trying to write a feature so I can earn a bit of scratch and have something to update on my resume. Oh, and I'm coming home tomorrow.
What, did I forget to mention that? Dopey me!!!! Yep, coming home for a MUCH needed break. I fly home on the 20th of June (I think) to finish up the MA, so I'm going to have to have a lot of fun while I'm back in Indy. I'm counting on everyone to help!! And for the record, I didn't mention it before now because I'm a mean little sneak that enjoys the shock of those close to him. Mwa ha ha.
Nowhere near as nervous about this trip home as I was last time. Last time I felt like I was going to expel a few vital organs, this time I'm quite mellow and just really looking forward to being back in a land that takes dollars.
See you soon.
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