Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Let Blogs be Blogs.

First and most important: I want to thank everyone that helped make this birthday one of the most memorable of all time. My entire family (even Matt, who contributed by forgetting), my friends on the course who made sure if I had any dignity on the bus it wasn't there by the time I left. (special thanks to Frea for getting us all cold and wet and Christina for being so caring) Everyone I worked with at Butler either signed a card or sent one of their own, and in a few cases both ("I'll never te-ell..."), and that was just a wonderful surprise, thank you! Grandma and Grandpa sent me a card with some birthday money I'll need to go home to spend, which I think was their plan those clever devils, and last years horoscope which (I'm too lazy to go and read it again) predicted a trip that would change my life - even a broken clock is right twice a day! - thank you. Also to Bethany, Kate, and Betsy (in no order whatsoever), thank you for wishing me a happy birthday. Kate, I'm afraid I don't have either your or Jess's email addys; use the one on my bio sheet on the Pengin web site for now.

Moving on, I'm sick. Disgustingly sick, but only in that I feel disgusting. It's the latest things that's going around that I hope they're exaggerating when they say it lasts five days. My superior American immune system was holding up pretty well so far, but I did have an active weekend and I suppose that's what did it.

The day before my birthday our whole course went to see a play one of our instructors wrote: Gilgamesh. An amount of alcohol was available on the way there, and it affect a small number of people more than others. After the play more libations were had, and this led to an interesting ride home: lots of signing, no dancing, an attempted speech or three, and at midnight everyone got it into their heads to sing happy birthday to me. Judy 2 ran off before it was exposed that it was her birthday Feb 7th and she hadn't told anyone - except me only half an hour before. I got yelled at. Then I was hugged so it was okay.

Over the weekend we tried to go bowling but the lanes were all booked, so we went drinking instead. We got to see a whole new side of Ben that I could learn a thing or three from. It was odd, that night, but it was a lot of fun. All that matters.

I'm going to read something now. Stay healthy! Diseases suck!


At 9:06 PM, Blogger Willow Pest said...

Got a thing for 3's today?

At 1:11 PM, Blogger Willow Pest said...

More damn snow and BU is closed for a second day. Yes, this from the person who loves snow.....The dogs (not the doxies)seem to enjoy it.

At 5:20 PM, Blogger wineaux said...

Hopefully your disgusting sickness isn't like the cooties Rosie & I had back in December! UGH!
Hope you are feeling better.
And I agree with Marsha....enough with the snow already!

At 11:42 PM, Blogger Willow Pest said...

Where are you??

At 12:28 AM, Blogger Ryan Walsh said...

Hey, if you're really tired of it, you can send some snow to me. I haven't seen flake one all year, and I actually like the stuff!


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