Saturday, December 09, 2006

Should blog acquaintence be forgot...

The answer, of course, is no.

This will be my last post from Falmouth for about a month. Tomorrow I hop a train to London and from there home. I've been very vocal on how much I don't want to travel despite my desire to go home for the holidays; I'mhoping by putting it out there it won't bottle up inside me only to explode when the US Customs officer asks if I have anything to declare.

As last weekends go, this one's been one of the best. Thursday was our last course day before Christmas, so we all got together at 5 Degrees West to have a huge feasty party - major thanks once again to the illustrious Jenny for putting that all in place. Wine flowed like water and, well, just look for yourselves.

This is just a bit of what he did, but it's all Blogger will let me post for now - I hope you get the idea.

It started at 5 Degrees, dallied for just a few moments at Toast, and reached a very loud and oddly-colored climax at Club International. Now even though I was drunk by this point I was still ashamed to be going in there, not so much that I WAS international and it seemed tacky to be going in there, but more because they still charged me even though I proved I was international! What a fucking joke! Yeah, bottles and glasses were broken, someone nearly lost a phone making sure another guy didn't break his foot again and some other stuff, but who cares about that? I can't remember if Fi went with us to CI but if she did I can only hope she shares my righteous indignation on this point.

For a while I thought a large contingent of our course was coming back to my place afterwards, which as I was drunk sounded fine but looking back I don'tknow that we couldv'e held that many, but somewhere inbetween leaving CI and eating kebabs that idea fizzled. Maybe it was for the best - I couldn't tell as I was unconscious as soon as I hit the bed.

As you might imagine, Friday was not an active day. I did go out to take care of some bank crap and found a bunch of them coming out of the Q Bar for lunch. We chatted, said our good-byes, established that last night was entertaining and scandal-free for all, and carried on.

Today's been me cleaning up, getting ready for tomorrow. I'm actually waiting right now on a text that will tell me where Ian and his birthday party are going for drinks. I'd be a bit lonely but the Transformers soundtrack is actually providing decent companionship right now.

See you in Indy!


At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good night - surprised to see Dunc drinking wine as I thought he was a real ale boy. Would like to say I'm happy at this development but it means we're gonna have to share the booze more at Christmas now...

Have a good holiday - hope you don't mind me reading your blog!


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