Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Blog or Treat!

The answer, of course, is both.

Just to let everyone know what my Hallowe'en's been like, today I gave a somewhat successful argument on why cannibalism is a good thing. I should assure all my readers that this was for an assignment and does NOT represent my personal views on the subject. If it turns out I am arrested for inspiring cannibalism in one or more members of my audience, know that I will feel very bad about because I'll be arrested, but I'll also know I totally nailed that assignment!

Worked a little bit with Adobe InDesign too. Neat little program. I might like to pick up a copy if I get to know it a bit better, I don't know. It costs 180 sterling if I buy it through the school, so I better be damn sure I want it before I consider buying the thing.

Aside from that, not much. I'm not going to any costume (or "fancy dress" as the British say) parties as of yet but I do have a kickass Neo all ready in the event. Pictures will follow as soon as I get around to putting it on and breaking the camera out. I've not taken any pictures in a long while, I should probably break that run soon.


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