Monday, November 06, 2006

We've got a ticket to BLOG!

I'm a bit behind on my blogging. The excuse I gave to my folks on Friday was that I was going to gather material over the weekend and make a real entry, not just filler. Holy crap, did THAT ever succeed?!?!

Friday was pretty tame. Called the parents, got a new battery for my phone, got Wuthering Heights audiobook from the library so I don't have to try and read the whole thing in a day, good things. Found out HSBC screwed up my standing order and I'd have to pay my rent in person and the internet guy found a new reason not to put internet in our house, bad things.

Saturday I finished the rough drafts of my two pieces for this week with plans to go to a Guy Fawkes (or Bonfire Night) celebration, which is cancelled so we can all go to the bigger one the next night. We still are due to get together that night for beer and fun, so I'm cool. Having found no good excuse to put it on, I go out in my Neo costume which turned out to be a great idea. Not only was I looking very badass, but I also had on two-three layers of clothes to guard agains the 40-ish temps. Go me! We have two beers, I have a steak-and-ale pie, then we all go back to Frea's house. Hoo boy.

After stopping at ASDA (England's Walmart) for booze and snacks we go to Frea's which is this nigh-palatial house tucked really deep into the woods. Tons of space, big yard, the works. While we drink and get to know her boyfriend Andy and son Oscar (who is a mini-Freya in almost every way, it's cool) someone fires up "Singstar". This is a game for the PS2 that comes with two mikes and is essentially kareoke with a point system. You know, I'd always wondered if my aversion to kareoke came from fear of being a bad singer or fear of being infront of people. That night I learned, for sure, it was the former. People over hear seem to love my American accent, but the machines obviously don't. Along with copious amounts of alcohol are passed around balloons filled with NO2. You're reading that right: Laughing Gas. I won't go into the more amusing stories of what happened, I'll just post pictures later. Sweet, beautiful pictures. We slept over there that night and hilarity ensued.

I woke up the next morning very lethargic and remembering this wacked-out dream where a cute Norwegian girl from the International Group texted me wanting to hang out sometime. When I finally found my phone I discovered that part actually happened. Then I found my camera and discovered some other things actually happened. Gotta take the good with the bad, I guess.

Once everyone was up and semi-coherent we spent the morning playing Texas Hold 'Em and waiting for the cab. I know card games pretty well, and Texas Hold'Em's a simple one once you get it, but knowing card games and being good at them are two different beasts. Did I mention we all put a fiver in on the game? Yeah, might've been important to mention that. When we finally got back home Duncan was kind enough to lend me a couple of movies to veg out to while he tried to achieve a coma state. We went out that night to see the fireworks and saw a few little ones, but by the time we got to the bigshow it had already ended. What. The. Fuck. We could walk through the smoke of the fireworks like it was a thick fog and they're done in seven minutes? And I didn't see a single effegy light up! I'm left unsatisfied. On that note, we went back to Freya's that night for more poker and nitrous oxide, and let's just say the best part for me was the NO2. Well, I did call one bluff and won one big hand, but that was it.

I've been pretty productive this morning. Got my rent paid, will be going to town later for food and to make one last stab at getting the standing order in. I got my phone topped off and picked up a pack of Munchies. I need to proofread my pieces for this weekend and get a dent taken out of Wuthering Heights too. The fun don't stop in Cornwall, you just gotta grab on as it comes by.


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