Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I blogged my pants

Well, there's no denying it. I'm in England. The past two days it's been a very constant drizzly blah outside. Just from walking around my pants have gotten wet to the point that they're not wearable. I swear, it's the rain. Shout out to Libby Holmes back at Butler U, that umbrella you gave me doesn't look like much but is a wonder!

Yesterday was NOT a good day - it wasn't bad really, but it wasn't good either. For one thing, I rang up about $15K on my credit card because my student loans are THAT fucked up (Grandma, I'm sorry, I know the word 'Fuck' and use it occassionally), my essay was torn into in lectures, and I was homesick. I like lectures, they're informative and fun, I just really wasn't in the mood.

Today was better. Just a morning of lecture which was all about feature writing, quick lunch and a lot of errands. I set up my rent so that it'll take it directly from the bank, I picked up some shoe-cleaning supplies which I really need now (thanks, weather...), and some good for and ales. they're having a sale at Threshers (liquor store) where you can get any four independent ales for 5 pounds. They cost 1.75 normally, so heck yeah! Add that to the steak dinner I made and I'm sitting pretty. The bad news is that I got myself all worked up to finish up the Indiana Jones game with my writing group over Skype tonight, and only now noticed that the call went out two days ago. Granted, I would have been up until 4am tonight, but I was ready dammit!!

No closer to getting our own internet account, but the plumbeer should be coming by tomorrow to make our sinks work. My sink won't shut off once it gets started without a crescent wrench, and a few report green water out of theirs. It's an issue.


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