Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Crazy fun happy blog!

I am in America. Back home. There were times I doubted.

The travelling was long but uneventful. Delta has no clue what they're doing, US customs LOVE returning Americans, and when Air India wants to they can do a decent enough flight. I took the sleeper train from Truro to London, and while I didn't get much in the way of sleep (almost none, really), I did get to stretch out AND when we got off at Paddington we got free use of the First-Class lounge for breakfast. THAT is worth the price of admission itself.

I just got back from Chicago late last night - I was visiting my baby bro and getting my visa. You may recall I had... complications... the last times I tried to get it. This time I got it. And you better fucking believe I am going to get everything I have coming to me as a result. I also had Giordano's pizza while up there, and to be honest no trip to Chicago is complete without a trip to Giordano's (but the service was lousy this time around).

I'm trying to be good and get work done, the problem is there's so much here I'd rather do. This being the longest I've been away from home, my parents want to do nothing but lavish attention and awesome food on me, and I want to let them. It should be calmer now that Evan's home too, but that doesn't make schoolwork any less schoolwork. I'm sure I'm not alone in this.

See ya when I see ya!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

Should blog acquaintence be forgot...

The answer, of course, is no.

This will be my last post from Falmouth for about a month. Tomorrow I hop a train to London and from there home. I've been very vocal on how much I don't want to travel despite my desire to go home for the holidays; I'mhoping by putting it out there it won't bottle up inside me only to explode when the US Customs officer asks if I have anything to declare.

As last weekends go, this one's been one of the best. Thursday was our last course day before Christmas, so we all got together at 5 Degrees West to have a huge feasty party - major thanks once again to the illustrious Jenny for putting that all in place. Wine flowed like water and, well, just look for yourselves.

This is just a bit of what he did, but it's all Blogger will let me post for now - I hope you get the idea.

It started at 5 Degrees, dallied for just a few moments at Toast, and reached a very loud and oddly-colored climax at Club International. Now even though I was drunk by this point I was still ashamed to be going in there, not so much that I WAS international and it seemed tacky to be going in there, but more because they still charged me even though I proved I was international! What a fucking joke! Yeah, bottles and glasses were broken, someone nearly lost a phone making sure another guy didn't break his foot again and some other stuff, but who cares about that? I can't remember if Fi went with us to CI but if she did I can only hope she shares my righteous indignation on this point.

For a while I thought a large contingent of our course was coming back to my place afterwards, which as I was drunk sounded fine but looking back I don'tknow that we couldv'e held that many, but somewhere inbetween leaving CI and eating kebabs that idea fizzled. Maybe it was for the best - I couldn't tell as I was unconscious as soon as I hit the bed.

As you might imagine, Friday was not an active day. I did go out to take care of some bank crap and found a bunch of them coming out of the Q Bar for lunch. We chatted, said our good-byes, established that last night was entertaining and scandal-free for all, and carried on.

Today's been me cleaning up, getting ready for tomorrow. I'm actually waiting right now on a text that will tell me where Ian and his birthday party are going for drinks. I'd be a bit lonely but the Transformers soundtrack is actually providing decent companionship right now.

See you in Indy!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your blogs

I am tired and wet right now, and reading that back it could be interpretted a number of ways. Allow me to clarify.

I had a lot to do this morning. I had to go to the international office and get a new letter to get my visa with, I had to go to the finance office and body slam every person I saw out of sheer frustration, and I had to mail a bunch of stuff. It chose to rain today. The international office was empty when I went by, and I had to restrain myself to filling out forms at the finance office. The good news is I mailed off my stuff and picked up a few last gifts before I came home. By the time I got in, my jeans below the knee were pretty much drenched, and my umbrella had been in about half a dozen configurations it was clearly not designed for thanks to the wind. That prettymuch catches you up for today.

This is the last week of classes before we break for Christmas, and it's going to be a doozy. Tomorrow we have our tutoring sessions with Derrek (aka The Canadian Lord of the Sith), five minutes after that I have my subbing session which involves... stuff I'm not too clear on, and thirty seconds after that is my last beginners' class for building web pages. Wednesday's the big editing test we weren't exactly taught for - that'll should be, oh jeez what's that word I'm looking for that means the exact opposite of what I actually think... oh yeah, fun. Thursday's our big lecture day, and after that's done the whole course is getting stuffed down at 5 Degrees South by North by East West (if you're not in the course, you won't get that joke, sorry!). One weekend later, I come home. I can't wait to be back in Indy, I'm just really not looking forward to the journey. There's something philosophical about that last sentence, I'm sure, but I can't think of what it could be.

This weekend I entered into a little arrangement with a certain party. We shall call him my housemate Dan, for that is his name. I agree to help him with editing his dissertation, he agrees to take some shots of me to go up on the web that look better than what I have now. If you looked to the right at the top of this page, you'll see one such outcome of this little escapade of mine. Here are a couple more (click on the boxes to bring them up):

They please me. Last night we went out to a new pub (to me anyway) called Seaview Inn, where we drank a couple of pints and played darts. That too pleased me.

As I mentioned before, I am weary. One last thought: if you don't already, please read my latest entry in my reading blog, the link in on the right and up a bit, you'll find it. It goes into more detail about my deal with the forms today and I somehow made a lot more of it than I thought I would. In a good way. I hope.