The Skeleton Blog
The internet is finally in my house. Glorious glorious bits and bytes!!
As the Thanksgiving season closes I'd like to say what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for my health, being able to study in England, the friends and family that have helped me pull this little stunt off, and Skype for letting me talk to a bunch of them the past few days.
I'm going to do a bit of blog commentary here due in large part to my grandmother. I was talking to the whole clan Thanksgiving afternoon and Grandma was telling me how much she liked reading this blog. She also chimed in with her opinion about my episode with nitrous oxide (haven't touched it since, get your hands away from the phone, don't call NO2 Anonymous) and I thought to myself, maybe I shouldn't be as comprehensive in my blogging. Not just for this, mind you, it turns out I'll need to give the address of this to my department head for examination, and it might not hurt for me to clean it up a bit.
I was already picking parts of my life to cut out of the text when my grandma had to open her mouth again. She told me she was getting to know me better via the blog than all the years we've been around each other. Let me digress by confessing I do have one qualm with blogs, and that's making sure you don't write anything about your friends they don't already know. Example: if you hang out one night and eat chips (read: french fries) with a homemade dip and tell the host it's great, you do NOT write about how much you hated it on your blog. It is all too easy to become someone else when you're online, and the instant your online self messes with your IRL (In Real Life) self you're in big trouble. So here I was, I could either reevaluate my blogging to make it a bit more family/ professional friendly, or I can keep it up and stay close with the friends and family back home. The ones that don't comment on my blog. The very same. You know who you are.
I'm gonna keep posting the way I post. It may be weird getting to know a relative through online reading, but the point is we get to know each other, method be damned. As for the evaluation, blogging's way too young a medium to grade, so I challenge them to tell me I'm doing mine wrong.
Now back to the important things, like WHERE'S MY TURKEY?????????????