Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Blog too Far

It's been a pretty crazy week. Nothing major, just a lot of running around doing little things. I checked out a place that I might live in over the summer - not bad but I need some answers from the landlady who's being uncommunicative. I'm still hoping one person sends me a version of a profile before a site goes up (long story that I just don't care enough about to rehash). Trying to write a feature so I can earn a bit of scratch and have something to update on my resume. Oh, and I'm coming home tomorrow.

What, did I forget to mention that? Dopey me!!!! Yep, coming home for a MUCH needed break. I fly home on the 20th of June (I think) to finish up the MA, so I'm going to have to have a lot of fun while I'm back in Indy. I'm counting on everyone to help!! And for the record, I didn't mention it before now because I'm a mean little sneak that enjoys the shock of those close to him. Mwa ha ha.

Nowhere near as nervous about this trip home as I was last time. Last time I felt like I was going to expel a few vital organs, this time I'm quite mellow and just really looking forward to being back in a land that takes dollars.

See you soon.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Toil, Toil, Blog and Boil

Term No. 2 is done. DONE! This means I can, dare I say it, rest for a while! We handed in our portfolios on Friday and proceeded to drink starting around 1 in the afternoon... most of us. I was doing fine until about 11 that night, and my Saturday was spent recovering.

I want to take a break from my laptop for a few days, seeing as how I haven't looked at much else in the past two weeks. I've been experiencing sharp pains when I nod my head suddenly, like my brain's a bit loose in the noggin. Anyway, once I'm done fiddling here, I'm going to shut it off and hope I can avoid turning it back on for a while. That'll be a welcome break I think.

Next Monday we have to present our MA proposals in an auditorium-style setting. Each has to be on stage being stared at by 10 judges and the rest our the class, so about 35 people. In a practice run Thursday (audience of 8 or so) I nearly choked I was so nervous, but when I could string a few words about my project together, the audience really liked them. If I can get around the public jitters I'll be in good shape.

I've gotten a confirmed no from the artist I was trying to secure for my project, while I'm on the subject. I'm looking around for a new artist now, and I've got a few people also searching who they know for leads. I will confess, I've been in this position before and have come up short about every time, so my hopes are not high.

Okay, that's all your getting out of me for now.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Hold me, blogs. Hold me tight.

Not a whole lot has happened since my last post, so this will be a bit shorter. I'll give you a brief moment to cheer.


There we are. RIGHT! Classes: I have finished all the initial write-ups for the web site, and as soon as those last couple of approvals come in I can finally feel like this is done. It's been a very stressful period, and hopefully now we can start seeing some fruit from our labor. I will say, in contrast, that the people I interviewed were all very nice, and I hope I can stay in touch with at least one or two. Anyway, now I'm working on my portfolio for that unit and praying to any deity that'll listen that I can use my industry analysis as content for it. See, we need 4,000 words of content to submit, and if we're only looking at stuff written for the course or web site I'm a little over 2K. If I can't use the analysis which was also 2K, this weekend will be quite furious. Screenwriting continues to be fun; we're pitching radio dramas this week for practice as much as anything, and I got to work just the tiniest bit on the project that'll be my MA... and it felt good.

I went to the gym for the first time in over a week today. I'm weak. Or exhausted. Either way I want to lay down, which one lets me do that more? Someone get back to me on that.

With the end of term coming up I have to figure out when I can come home. Easy answer is May 12th, the day after we hand in, but noooo. We have to formally submit our MA proposals a week later, and what may be a week after that we talk with our MA supervisors on how we're actually gonna pull the damn things off. Keep in mind I have to have all my crap in another place by the end of June, so my window's getting pretty narrow. If I knew having a life was so tricky, I'd have stuck to playing video games all the time.

I really do need to get back to Indy, if only for a couple of weeks. I need a freaking break. I need my mommy to cook me food and pat my head and tell me what a good boy I am. I need to renew my driver's license (still can't believe that got by me). I need to start moving some of the stuff I collected over here back home - I really am living a semi-Spartan lifestyle but dammit the little things add up! And also I love books.

Speaking of Spartans, I did eventually see 300. I approve. It was heavily stylized, but I think that made it seem as much an event as a movie.

Eh, that's all for now.