I really should have seen this coming.
I have a pretty good history of running myself into the dirt to finish things. A number of times in my last job I'd work very stressful days for weeks at a time, well past my limit, and crash hard. Not in the cute 'I stayed in bed all day' way, but in the 'my immune system shuts down and become incredibly ill' way. It used to take way longer than normal for my body to catch back up, and the entire time I kicked myself for not being able to do anything. I dislike not being able to do anything.
Despite my insanity with the MA project and massive miles travelled, I've avoided the debilitating illness, for which I'm puzzled and immensely grateful. I've still crashed, though, and true to form it's not going away quickly. Though I've more or less adapted to the local time zone and sleep pattern, I still wake up like I did last Tuesday when I came home: sore and jet-lagged. I've been pitching in around the house but that minor activity exhausts me.
I'm selling a few things on eBay soon, using an exercise we did early in the year to help boost sales. My hope is to earn enough money to get a new phone and to clear a few cobwebs. Can't crash forever, no matter how many games Squaresoft puts out.